Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Concealed Weapons Coming to College Campuses?


Concealed Weapons Coming to College Campuses?

South Carolina could legalize the concealed carry of weapons on college campuses.


 USC Professors and Students voice their opinion of the proposed legislation.

            South Carolina always has been on the conservative end of politics, especially when it comes to the second amendment.
            Several bills have been introduced in the state house and one has caught the eyes of many college students and professors.
            The bill would legalize the carry of a concealed weapon along as the person had a permit.
            Many professors at USC are not in favor of the idea because they’re not comfortable with the idea.
            “Being an undergraduate or even graduate student is a stressful time.   We’ve all had instances where students have become somewhat unbalanced because of extracurricular activities, drugs, or the pressure of being a student.  I just assume not have students exposed to someone who might be somewhat unbalanced and have come to class armed,” said USC professor Jay Bender.
            A group of students have advocating to have their 2nd amendment rights extended to them on campus have formed, and they have actually applied to be recognized as a campus organization.
            They call themselves USC Students for Concealed Carry, and one group organizer said if concealed weapons were allowed on campus it could cause the crime rate at USC to go down.
            “There are multiple states that currently allow concealed weapons on campus.  None of them have ever had an incident where a student with a concealed weapons permit has caused an issue.  At every campus that has allows concealed weapons permits to be carried on campus they have seen a decrease in crime,” said student organizer Kenny Adamson.
            Adamson is quick to point to Colorado State University when it comes to a drop in crime.
            Before they [Colorado State] enacted their law they had 142 rapes and sexual assaults in the four years prior.  In the four years after they enacted their concealed carry law on campus there was only 24 sexual assaults and rapes.
            It’s hard to relate crime rates to concealed weapon laws, but State Senator Lee Bright, who is sponsoring the bill in South Carolina, said this is about making students less vulnerable to criminals.
            “At USC you guys have had like 17 assaults.  While only 1 on campus the other 16 were just off of campus.  When you’re traveling in between your class, your car, and traveling on campus at night being vulnerable where you can’t defend yourself I don’t think that’s right if you have a CWP,” said Senator Bright.
            While Bright’s idea of students being safer is permit holders being allowed to carry on campus, Bender suggested the best way to be safe is to use common sense safety rules.
            “Don’t walk alone, don’t walk drunk, travel in groups, and if you’re concerned about your safety call one of the shuttle services.  They’re free shuttle service to bring students to Five Points and back.  Take a cab, take a shuttle, don’t take a pistol,” said Bender.
            Safety is ultimately up to the students themselves.
            It should be noted that concealed weapon permit holders are currently allowed to bring their weapon to campus as long as the weapon is in their vehicle in a latching or locking compartment.
            The proposed bill is still being debated in the Senate Judiciary Committee.